Tuesday, March 20, 2012

CrazyGirl observes Awkward Moments

Ok. So I begin the challenge of summing up my entire day (so far) in awkward moments.
That awkward moment when . . .
. . . you flinch when you look in the mirror because you have raccoon eyes and you hair looks like you fought with an egg beater . . . and lost.
. . . you spend 10 minutes turning the house inside out, looking for your keys . . . then realize you have them in your hand.
. . . you walk around all morning feeling confident and pretty . . .  until someone points out that you have lipstick on your teeth.
. . . you mutter something to yourself while unlocking the car door . . . and realize a cute guy is in the car next to you watching you talk to yourself.
. . . you're walking to class and hear high heels clicking, turn around to see which girl is wearing them . . . only it's not a girl.
. . . you see someone wearing their jeans so tight they have to waddle to walk.
. . . you knock someone's book off their desk by accident . . . with your butt.
. . . you pop a spoonful of Nutella in your mouth . . . right as someone starts talking to you.
. . . you read a comment on something you posted on Facebook, and don't understand it . . . but you know they are waiting for a response.
. . . you realize you are spending a bunch of time coming up with awkward moments . . . that will probably get 0 reads.
. . . you realize you just spend a good half hour figuring out the best way to put these . . . and you only have like 10.
Until Next time,

1 comment:

  1. Sounds kinda like most of my days . . . awkward! LOL!
