Saturday, May 12, 2012

CrazyGirl observes Goodness

So, most of us have or have had a Facebook. It's a fun place to catch up on who is dating who, which school had a dance last week, and all the other trivial stuff that makes up our everyday lives. It's become a HUGE deal to be unfriended by someone on Facebook, almost as if Facebook friendships are taking place of true, honest-to-goodness, face-to-face friendships. But, I'm not writing this to talk about the evils of Facebook. I'm here to point out the good things. You see, I recently took a month off of Facebook, because I spent way too much time on there reading about the latest drama going on and updating everyone else on what I was doing, when I was doing it, and where I would be. When I did get back on, I realized how petty Facebook can seem. Honestly, I don't want to hear if you're getting drunk, or see all the pictures where you are high at a party. I don't want to read all the cuss words you decided were necessary for your Facebook posts. Then, I started looking for the good in Facebook, because before I decided to delete my account, I wanted to be sure that's what I really wanted. When I went looking for the good, I found it.
You see, while the majority of people are posting about their latest party or break-up or whatever drama they feel like posting about, there is still a minority out there posting statuses that make you think, or pose a good point, and best of all, there are still people out there using Facebook as yet another ministry. It's seriously so rare to see someone post a Bible verse on their Facebook these days because *gasp* they might offend someone. But, honestly, that's one of the coolest things to see. What's even cooler is to see these people live out the verses they post in their REAL lives, and not just in the virtual world of Facebook or Pinterest or Twitter. I give a huge round of applause to these people, for being real and for being confident enough in their beliefs to stand up for them. Kudos to them!
Personally, I can say that I really haven't used Facebook as a ministry or to state my beliefs. I use it for fluff posts. You know the kind I'm talking about "Aww. Lunch with so-and-so. ♥ So much fun." or "Yay for rain. ♥" or even "La la la. Whatever." That's pretty much all I do. But, my question for myself is why should I add to the petty side of Facebook, when I could be using it for good instead? The answer: It's so much easier to just post fluff and not step on anyone's toes. My solution: Get over it and use Facebook for good, not random nothingness. So, to those few people using Facebook for good, thanks for the inspiration!

--He replied "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you" Matthew 17:20
Til Next Time,

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