Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ok, continuing my random facts thing...
51. I constantly think back on a situation and change the ending (in my head) to me being totally awesome and saying some sweet comeback that leaves the other person speechless
52. About 50% of the time, I don't get jokes, but I laugh anyway.
53. I sometimes pretend that my life has a soundtrack. (Even though no one else hears it.)
54. One of my favorite sounds is the sound of someone typing fast on a keyboard.
55. When I need something sweet to eat, a spoonful of Nutella always seems to do the trick.
56. I think keys are fascinating. That's why I absolutely adore all the skeleton key necklaces that suddenly became popular within the past few years.
57. I absolutely love the TV show Bones, but because I don't have cable, I have to watch it on Netflix, and I'm freaking out because I'm almost out of episodes.
58. Another show I really like is How I Met Your Mother, and I really wish I could pull off saying things like "It's going to be legend..wait for it..dary!" or "When I feel sad, I quit being sad and be awesome instead." but I sound like a total idiot when I try to say it.
59. I try to hide it, but I constantly worry that I'm annoying people.
60. I hate matching my socks, unless they are plain white, so they never match.
61. I constantly catch myself making faces when I zone out.
62. Hospitals terrify me.
63. I love listening to people with accents talk. Irish and Australian are at the top of my list.
64. Recently, I have realized that I love frozen yogurt.
65. Fire is a fascinating thing. Campfires are my favorite.
66. I have only been to Disneyland once. I would LOVE to go again.
67. I broke the rules every day in elementary school. We had a rolly slide. The only rule for it was "Do not climb up the rolly slide backward." And, rebel child me, climbed up the rolly slide backward, every day. (Come on! You can't blame me! It was perfect because if one person stood on the platform and the other person stood on the rolly slide and held onto the plastic shade the person on the platform could grab their arms and we could reenact the whole scene from Lion King where Scar throws Mufasa off the cliff. )
68. My best friend from elementary school and I were extremely imaginative. Not only were we able to be characters from Harvest Moon, had the ability to fight off millions of imaginary foes, but we also had access into Teribithia. We had quite a few adventures.
69. I'm one of the few freaks in this world who, for some unknown reason, doesn't like Goldfish crackers.
70. I love Starbucks, especially the peppermint mochas, and the pumpkin spice lattes.
71. As fun as this is, I'm starting to run out of things to say.
72. I'm pretty sure that writer's block is one of the most annoying feelings in the world.
73. I love those moments when you put your mp3 player on shuffle and it just keeps playing the songs you didn't realize you needed to hear.
74. I love the band Hawk Nelson. Especially their first album, Letters to the President.
75. Most people like chapstick, but I prefer Lip Medex.
Until Next time,

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