Thursday, October 25, 2012

CrazyGirl Observes New Beginnings

Hey everyone!
I know I haven't been here in a while. And I apologize. I took a break from social networking for a little while. But, I'm back and ready to be blogging again.
So, I've always known that life doesn't always go how we plan it. In fact, it pretty much never goes the way we plan it. And I have been experiencing that quite often lately. Here I was planning for a great adventurous summer, that ended up being me staying at home pretty much the entire time. Talk about a disappointment. Then, I started a VERY last minute application to a college I'd had my eye on for a while. I sat in suspense for a few weeks waiting on financial aid, which ended up not coming through in the amount I needed. But, on the bright side it was looking like transferring in the Spring was a very VERY good possibility. In the past few weeks, though, I learned that it more than likely won't be happening.
I started praying about it, and the more I prayed the more I felt like maybe this was God's way of telling me to consider other options. I started researching my options and have found several that feel like they might be  a good fit for me. I write this simply to say I'm looking forward to new beginnings! And whatever it is that God has planned for me!!
Til Next Time,

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

CrazyGirl observes Chick-Fil-A

Ok, ok ok. So I know this is blowing up Twitter, Facebook, and just about any other social newsfeed today, and most of you are probably thinking "Blah blah blah. I don't want to hear about it anymore." But, when I feel the need to make a point, I blog. End of story.
So, anyway, as most of you already know, the CEO of Chick-Fil-A, Dan Cathy, stated that he believes in the traditional, biblical view of marriage; between a man and a woman. Somehow that got translated into the entire Chick-Fil-A chain of restaurants being against gay marriage. Today became "Support Chick-Fil-A Day" where if you supported Dan Cathy's view on marriage, you should go to Chick-Fil-A and show your support by buying yourself some good, old-fashioned fast food. From what I've seen, Chick-Fil-A's everywhere were filled with people who supported Dan Cathy and his viewpoint. While, I do stand on the same side of this debate as Mr. Cathy, I find it hard to believe that one man's personal opinion could cause such a commotion. Just because he's the CEO of a company it doesn't mean that he is forcing his views onto his company, it's not like you are seeing Chick-Fil-A cups with "Marriage: (noun) A union between a man and a woman" printed on them. He is simply a human being, with his own personal opinion. Being the CEO of a company means that his views are more widely heard, but it doesn't make his company "anti-gay." And, honestly through this whole thing I don't ever recall seeing the Mr. Cathy stated that he was "anti-gay" only that he supported a biblical view of marriage, which really shouldn't seem so strange for a Christian man to do. It disheartens me to see the Christian church being persecuted as "homophobic," "anti-gay," or whatever other slurs are out there. We, as Christians, have every right to believe in a traditional view of marriage as is presented in the Bible. As Americans, we have the right to freedom of speech, AND freedom of religion, so I don't understand all the fuss with us actually choosing to use those freedoms. As citizens of America, we have as much right to our opinion on marriage as the gay community does to theirs. Having an opinion is not illegal. It is not immoral.
I mean, think about it, me stating my opinion on this blog is the exact same thing as Dan Cathy stating his opinion, with one difference. More people will see his opinion, more people will know. I can't make that big of a difference. And, honestly, I say kudos to Mr. Cathy for sticking by his beliefs, despite all the hullabaloo that has followed.
Til Next Time,

Friday, June 15, 2012

CrazyGirl observes Summertime

This summer is supposed to be my best summer yet! I'm supposed to go to the beach for a weekend with some friends, gonna spend a couple of the days I have off work going to some of the small tourist towns near me, and best of all, I'm going to spend tons and tons and tons of time with my friends!
Riiiiggghhht. Isn't this how every summer starts? Big plans, super excited for the summer. Then, as the time passes, nothing really gets done to put those plans into action, or even if some action is taken, it doesn't really get anywhere. All the promises you made to hang out with so-and-so "ALL SUMMER LONG" start fading to a memory, and you end up left at home doing nothing all day. Maybe I'm being overly pessimistic, but honestly, I feel like this is where my summer is heading. All these awesome plans, these hopes and desires for the summer, and I feel like it's all slowly heading down the drain. Plans seem to be falling through left and right. All the people I was going to spend "SO much time" with have found other friends to hang out with. I mean, yes, I do see my friends some, I don't just sit in the house in my sweats eating every fattening food in sight hoping for a second to cure my loneliness, and it's not like NONE of the plans have a shot at working out, but, to put it briefly: My summer is NOT going the way I imagined it.
If you were to go back to just a few weeks before finals this past spring, and look into my picture of what this summer would bring you'd get something along the lines of a nice hot beach where the water is the perfect temperature to go swimming or maybe a few degrees colder than absolutely perfect. I'm there with my friends. We're doing fun things; volleyball on the beach, visiting the tourist shops located along the beach, splashing around in the ocean, taking tons of silly pictures, and basically just having a blast.
Now, take a look at my summer so far:
Work. Sleep. Do the dishes. Go for a jog. Hang out with friends for a bit. Work. Sleep. Go on another jog. Imagine how awesome the beach would be. Sleep. Etc.
It's nothing like what I imagined it to be, but, I'm holding out hope that this will be my best summer yet!
Until Next Time,

Saturday, May 12, 2012

CrazyGirl observes Goodness

So, most of us have or have had a Facebook. It's a fun place to catch up on who is dating who, which school had a dance last week, and all the other trivial stuff that makes up our everyday lives. It's become a HUGE deal to be unfriended by someone on Facebook, almost as if Facebook friendships are taking place of true, honest-to-goodness, face-to-face friendships. But, I'm not writing this to talk about the evils of Facebook. I'm here to point out the good things. You see, I recently took a month off of Facebook, because I spent way too much time on there reading about the latest drama going on and updating everyone else on what I was doing, when I was doing it, and where I would be. When I did get back on, I realized how petty Facebook can seem. Honestly, I don't want to hear if you're getting drunk, or see all the pictures where you are high at a party. I don't want to read all the cuss words you decided were necessary for your Facebook posts. Then, I started looking for the good in Facebook, because before I decided to delete my account, I wanted to be sure that's what I really wanted. When I went looking for the good, I found it.
You see, while the majority of people are posting about their latest party or break-up or whatever drama they feel like posting about, there is still a minority out there posting statuses that make you think, or pose a good point, and best of all, there are still people out there using Facebook as yet another ministry. It's seriously so rare to see someone post a Bible verse on their Facebook these days because *gasp* they might offend someone. But, honestly, that's one of the coolest things to see. What's even cooler is to see these people live out the verses they post in their REAL lives, and not just in the virtual world of Facebook or Pinterest or Twitter. I give a huge round of applause to these people, for being real and for being confident enough in their beliefs to stand up for them. Kudos to them!
Personally, I can say that I really haven't used Facebook as a ministry or to state my beliefs. I use it for fluff posts. You know the kind I'm talking about "Aww. Lunch with so-and-so. ♥ So much fun." or "Yay for rain. ♥" or even "La la la. Whatever." That's pretty much all I do. But, my question for myself is why should I add to the petty side of Facebook, when I could be using it for good instead? The answer: It's so much easier to just post fluff and not step on anyone's toes. My solution: Get over it and use Facebook for good, not random nothingness. So, to those few people using Facebook for good, thanks for the inspiration!

--He replied "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you" Matthew 17:20
Til Next Time,

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

CrazyGirl observes Awkward Moments

Ok. So I begin the challenge of summing up my entire day (so far) in awkward moments.
That awkward moment when . . .
. . . you flinch when you look in the mirror because you have raccoon eyes and you hair looks like you fought with an egg beater . . . and lost.
. . . you spend 10 minutes turning the house inside out, looking for your keys . . . then realize you have them in your hand.
. . . you walk around all morning feeling confident and pretty . . .  until someone points out that you have lipstick on your teeth.
. . . you mutter something to yourself while unlocking the car door . . . and realize a cute guy is in the car next to you watching you talk to yourself.
. . . you're walking to class and hear high heels clicking, turn around to see which girl is wearing them . . . only it's not a girl.
. . . you see someone wearing their jeans so tight they have to waddle to walk.
. . . you knock someone's book off their desk by accident . . . with your butt.
. . . you pop a spoonful of Nutella in your mouth . . . right as someone starts talking to you.
. . . you read a comment on something you posted on Facebook, and don't understand it . . . but you know they are waiting for a response.
. . . you realize you are spending a bunch of time coming up with awkward moments . . . that will probably get 0 reads.
. . . you realize you just spend a good half hour figuring out the best way to put these . . . and you only have like 10.
Until Next time,

Monday, March 19, 2012

CrazyGirl observes finishing what she started!

Oh boy! Last of the random facts thing.

76. Sometimes I get so completely lost in a song, that I have to listen to it over and over and over almost to the point where it starts to sound funny.
77. Speaking of songs, sometimes, when it's a guy singing a cute love song, I lay there pretending he's singing to me. I know he isn't, but since I have a lack of a real boyfriend, sometimes it's nice to pretend.
78. One of the reasons I so miss being a little kid is that when there was drama, all you had to do was close your eyes for a second, open them, and *sha-zam!* suddenly you were in a whole new world. One where all the drama ceased to exist.
79. Even though sometimes it seems crazy, I still believe in fairytales. Not that some fairy god mother is gonna show up wearing a robe and holding a wand and say "Bibbity bobbity boo!" And, everything will work out from there, but I hold onto the hope that somewhere out there is a guy who is not only willing to be romantic, but also willing to love me for me.
80. I don't want a guy who loves my potential, or what I could be. I want a guy who loves who I am just the way I am, with all my quirks and flaws and insecurities. ♥
81. Sometimes I wonder if that^ guy actually exists.
82. I'm not 100% sure why, but when I'm feeling down, one of the best pick me up songs ever is "Tonight Tonight" by Hot Chelle Rae. "La la la. Whatever! La la la. It doesn't matter! La la la. Oh well!" ♥
83. I try to act confident and sure of myself, but honestly, I'm pretty insecure.
84. I spend a lot of time thinking about the future, wondering where I will end up. And, all I can say is I NEVER expected to be here.
85. Somewhere I have a list of 101 things that I want in a guy. I need to find that.
86. While Facebook and text are nice, I'm one of those people who prefers face to face contact. Call me a weirdo, but I like knowing what people's REAL reactions are.
87. I need to go to rehab for Target. I seriously have to keep myself away from that store after I get a paycheck, because it gives me the urge to buy everything I can afford. But, when I do have spending cash, you can guess where I head first.
88. I can type 86 words a minute.
89. I like to try new things, but I don't often think through them first. Like the time I dyed my blond hair jet black with dye that claimed it came out "after 28 shampoos!" It's still brownish. Or when I hiked halfway up Mt. Lassen in a pair of Converse that was falling apart . . . and there was still snow on the trail.
90. I say that I'm "unique" but it's really just a nicer way to admit that I'm a total weirdo.
91. Sometimes, I pretend that my future prince Charming is reading this, even though it's more likely that it's my mom, and some friends that are probably my only readers.
92. I love wearing those outfits that seem to make you ooze confidence. Don't lie, you know what I'm talking about.
93. Part of me REALLY wants to do a blog post where I sum up my entire day in "That awkward moment" statements. In fact, challenge accepted! My next blog post will be my day in awkward moments.
94. I just did something I've been wanting to do for a while. I quoted Barney Stinson and didn't sound like too much of a moron.
95. I love the Hunger Games books! ♥
96. I love when something totally unexpected happens, and then you can't stop smiling about it!!
97. I love on cold nights when you wrap up in your blanket and get all snuggled up to go to sleep.
98. Even though I look totally moronic, I still love to text those people who always leave you smiling like an idiot at your phone.
99. I would much rather be heartbroken than be a heartbreaker.
100. I honestly can't believe I actually made it! Somewhere I probably repeated something . . . but I tried not to!
Until next time,

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ok, continuing my random facts thing...
51. I constantly think back on a situation and change the ending (in my head) to me being totally awesome and saying some sweet comeback that leaves the other person speechless
52. About 50% of the time, I don't get jokes, but I laugh anyway.
53. I sometimes pretend that my life has a soundtrack. (Even though no one else hears it.)
54. One of my favorite sounds is the sound of someone typing fast on a keyboard.
55. When I need something sweet to eat, a spoonful of Nutella always seems to do the trick.
56. I think keys are fascinating. That's why I absolutely adore all the skeleton key necklaces that suddenly became popular within the past few years.
57. I absolutely love the TV show Bones, but because I don't have cable, I have to watch it on Netflix, and I'm freaking out because I'm almost out of episodes.
58. Another show I really like is How I Met Your Mother, and I really wish I could pull off saying things like "It's going to be legend..wait for it..dary!" or "When I feel sad, I quit being sad and be awesome instead." but I sound like a total idiot when I try to say it.
59. I try to hide it, but I constantly worry that I'm annoying people.
60. I hate matching my socks, unless they are plain white, so they never match.
61. I constantly catch myself making faces when I zone out.
62. Hospitals terrify me.
63. I love listening to people with accents talk. Irish and Australian are at the top of my list.
64. Recently, I have realized that I love frozen yogurt.
65. Fire is a fascinating thing. Campfires are my favorite.
66. I have only been to Disneyland once. I would LOVE to go again.
67. I broke the rules every day in elementary school. We had a rolly slide. The only rule for it was "Do not climb up the rolly slide backward." And, rebel child me, climbed up the rolly slide backward, every day. (Come on! You can't blame me! It was perfect because if one person stood on the platform and the other person stood on the rolly slide and held onto the plastic shade the person on the platform could grab their arms and we could reenact the whole scene from Lion King where Scar throws Mufasa off the cliff. )
68. My best friend from elementary school and I were extremely imaginative. Not only were we able to be characters from Harvest Moon, had the ability to fight off millions of imaginary foes, but we also had access into Teribithia. We had quite a few adventures.
69. I'm one of the few freaks in this world who, for some unknown reason, doesn't like Goldfish crackers.
70. I love Starbucks, especially the peppermint mochas, and the pumpkin spice lattes.
71. As fun as this is, I'm starting to run out of things to say.
72. I'm pretty sure that writer's block is one of the most annoying feelings in the world.
73. I love those moments when you put your mp3 player on shuffle and it just keeps playing the songs you didn't realize you needed to hear.
74. I love the band Hawk Nelson. Especially their first album, Letters to the President.
75. Most people like chapstick, but I prefer Lip Medex.
Until Next time,

Friday, March 9, 2012

CrazyGirl observes more about herself. .

So, last time I posted, I started telling you random facts about myself, and I realized that it was actually a nice feeling, just putting it out there. So, I was thinking about doing a few more!
Starting from where I left off:
26. When blow drying my hair, I like to pretend I'm one of those models who looks totally awesome with the wind blowing on them, or a rock star.
27. When I'm down in the dumps, two things tend to make me feel a little bit better almost every time; a Pepsi and dressing up (NO. . . not like getting out the dress-up bin, like putting on a cute outfit, making my make-up look perfect, and actually making the effort to do my hair.)
28. I am a Pepsi-aholic. I absolutely ADORE Pepsi♥
29. I love going for walks. I'm not sure what it is, but if you're walking with a friend, and just talking, it is one of the best feelings in the world.
30. I have this weird OCD-like problem where if I'm wearing a Converse tee-shirt, I have to be wearing my Converse. . .or else it just feels WRONG.
31. I love daydreaming. And I daydream elaborately. It's almost a skill.
32. I can't explain why, but there is something about doodling with a color crayon that pretty much nothing can beat.
33. During longish drives, I like to turn the radio up and belt out the songs, and for those few minutes, I can carry a tune, simply because no one is there to tell me otherwise.
34. I like wearing dresses in the summer, but mainly because most of them are really fun to twirl in, and I feel like a little kid again.
35. I have never been brave enough to jump off a swing. Maybe once. . .but I wasn't going fast, and I didn't get very high.
36. I'm always ready for adventure, looking for it even, but sometimes I think I have the most boring life ever.
37. A lot of the time I have the urge to put my hair up in little pigtails, but I refrain, because it looks ridiculous. . .but I do enjoy two french braids, which is close enough.
38. I have never actually watched a horror movie, because I get nightmares super easily. . .like when I was little and I watched the Disney version of Hercules, I had nightmares, but come on! Those ladies' eyeballs fell out, and I didn't want mine to.
39. I'm pretty sure I went through more of the awkward phases than any other person I know. At one point in time, I wore blue eyeshadow up to my eyebrows, and the worst part is, I thought it looked good.
40. I love driving around topless. (I drive a convertible, get your mind out of the gutter, sicko. Haha.)
41. I love that my friends will put up with my craziness. ♥
42. I have a really weird ability to end up with the most random injuries. I broke my pinky playing with a balloon (another kid's hand was involved. . .along with the balloon popping and my finger being smacked in such a way that it bent down and touched my wrist, but still, I WAS playing with a balloon.) I almost broke my wrist snowboarding, the only problem is that I was about three feet from the ski lift. I had my middle finger in a splint for graduation, because I tripped playing capture the flag. And, yes, when I shook the guy's hand, it looked like I was flipping the audience off.
43. I like wishing on stars and at 11:11 every time I get the chance, even though I've never had a wish come true.
44. Sometimes, I like to pretend that my life is a movie, and even though it kinda sucks at the moment, it has to end well, or else no one will want to come see it. DUH.
45. When I'm driving, I often talk to the other drivers.
46. I like singing along to stuff, and I will grab the nearest object and make it into a microphone to sing into, and if there is nothing, my thumb tends to work very well.
47. A while back the whole "That awkward moment when. . ." statuses became popular on Facebook, and, of course, I find them very fun and funny, but once I started thinking about it, I realized that my entire life could be summed up in "That awkward moment" statuses. "That awkward moment when you roll out of bed and immediately stub your toe. Every. Single. Day. . . That awkward moment when you search the whole house for your keys, only to realize they are in your hand. That awkward moment when you trip over the doorjamb that has been there since you moved in. That awkward moment when you yawn in class, right as the teacher asks you a question. Etc." My entire day can be an awkward moment.
48. I'm one of those weirdos who likes the way gas stations smell. Don't ask me why. I just do.
49. Sometimes I like to think about what peoples' reactions would be if I suddenly showed up and started acting completely different than I normally do, but I haven't tried it yet.
50. I have an absolute love of the rain. I think it's 100% romantic. But beyond the fact that my ideal first kiss would indeed be in the rain, I find it fascinating. I actually have discovered that I don't really mind the drowned rat look I get when I stand out in the pouring rain. I enjoy standing there when it pours, just as long as I don't have to go inside and try to avoid dripping water on every surface in sight.
Well, I've made it to 50. I think my goal will be 100 random little facts about me, because they're fun.
But, until next time,

Sunday, February 26, 2012

CrazyGirl observes Random Facts

Have you ever stopped to think about those little details about yourself that aren't exactly well known? I don't necessarily mean things you are trying to hide...just the little things you don't always make readily available as information concerning yourself. I was thinking about that today and wondering what it would be like if people knew those things. Like, off the top of my head:
1. I can't carry a tune to save my life, but I sing all the time anyway.
2. I'm secretly a stealth ninja. . .but since I injured my shoulder doing a somersault my freshman year of high school, no one ever believes me.
3. My dogs probably know more about me than any person, because I can trust them not to share my secrets. ;)
4. I have a HUGE weakness for stuffed animals, especially dogs. I have over 100 of them, and they all have their own names. (I could probably name them for you too.)
5. One of the reasons I like babysitting is that you get to act like a little kid, and no one judges you for it.
6. I've always wanted to play the drums, but somehow ended up getting sucked into piano lessons instead, and I STILL want to learn the drums.
7. I absolutely love to dance, but I look like a total idiot when I actually dance, so I save that for when I'm home alone.
8. One of my favorite feelings is that feeling you get when you slide across a clean floor in your socks, because for that split second I feel like my little kid self that used to watch the ice skaters on the Olympics and pretend I could figure skate across my kitchen floor.
9. I have never been kissed or held hands with a guy (except once as a joke a guy friend held my hand).
10. I am a sappy, hopeless romantic with an overactive imagination.
11. Sometimes when I write this blog I like to pretend that millions of people are reading it, and I'm a wildly popular blogger, even though I have like three followers, and I don't even know if they actually read it, or if they're just following to make me feel better.
12. I have a crazy obsession with Converse. So much of an obsession that I am planning to get married in them. No joke.
13. I love to think of random little details of my wedding (like the above) even though I don't even have a boyfriend.
14. I'm not sure why, but I have this love of the song Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings, even though it had become popular, overplayed, and everyone was over it by the time I discovered it. I actually sing it to one of my friends ALL the time, and it has become our little joke.
15. I secretly love the game Castleville on Facebook, even though it's a little on the nerdy side.
16. My all time favorite video game is Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64.
17. A close second is Dance Dance Revolution (although Just Dance is pretty fun too).
18. I absolutely LOVE Disney movies. Especially the oldies like the Lion King.
19. I try not to show it all the time, but I'm one of the biggest blonds you will ever meet!
20. I love the color turquoise, NOT just blue, turquoise.
21. My dream car is a 2005 light blue, Mustang GT convertible and I can say it so fast it all becomes one word and you can't really understand what I'm saying "twothousandfivelightbluemustanggtconvertible"
22. My dream job is to be a stay-at-home mom, and no matter what anyone has to say about that, it is a job.
23. The reason I want to be a stay-at-home mom is because my mom was a stay-at-home mom and I loved every minute I got to spend with her. If it weren't for her I wouldn't have grown into the person I am today, I would probably not have a strong faith like her, and I wouldn't have the millions of memories I have with her that I ADORE.
24. The person I look up to the most in this world is my mom, I want to be like her. She is sweet, funny, kind, loving, and so many other wonderful things. But, if I had to pick a close second for the person I look up to most, and it couldn't be in my family, it would be my best guy friend's mom. She is sweet and kind and one of the most amazing people I've ever met.
25. I don't ever want to change who I am just to make someone else happy. I understand that I have quirks and that I'm probably not considered "normal" but that's just what makes me. . . well, me!
Until next time,


Thursday, February 23, 2012

CrazyGirl observes thought processes

Do you ever stop just to think about where your mind wandered and why it wandered there? I mean, it's kinda weird. Your phone goes off, so you think of text messages, which reminds you that you need to text your friend to make sure she's still planning on coming over, which reminds you that maybe you should invite her boyfriend 'cuz he seems pretty chill, which then reminds you that you made Jell-O last night and forgot to put it in the fridge to chill, which reminds you that you made the Jell-O because you are having friends over, which reminds you that you have a text message from one of your friends waiting for you.
Seriously, it's almost like those "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" books, where everything triggers something new and it all goes around in a big, huge circle, leaving you right where you started off. But, my question is why?? Why did we need to think all those thoughts in order to get back to the thought we started at? Sure, it sometimes makes things more amusing, but is it necessary? Why couldn't the phone go off and we think "Oh! Text message!" and that be the end of it? I suppose that some people do think that way, just the most simple amount of thoughts go through their head. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, in fact, sometimes I wish I could do that. But, then I realize that if I could do that, I wouldn't really be me. There would be no moments of randomly bursting out in laughter in an otherwise quiet room because something launched my thought process into high speed and I landed on a funny thought. I wouldn't be able to remember things for my classes using all the random little analogies I came up with in my head using my own personal random thought process.
Who knows? Maybe I'm the only person who's mind launches into high speed and thinks of a million and one things just 'cuz of one random, possibly insignificant occurence. Maybe I'm not. I guess you never know. Although it would be pretty cool to be able to get into someone else's head for a little while, see how they think, how they feel, and how they react to certian things.
Well, I guess that's all.
Until next time,

Oh. . .that reminds me. . .

Thursday, January 12, 2012

CrazyGirl observes Creativity!

So, lately I have been in an extremely creative mood. So, when I came across a 30 day drawing challenge, I figured why not? Day 1 was the challenge to draw a picture of yourself. Which seemed easy...until I started. I got the general shape down and the eyes, even the nose was fairly simple. But I COULD NOT get my mouth down. I think I spent more time drawing and redrawing my mouth than I did on the rest of the picture combined! But, I have to admit that I'm pretty pleased with the outcome!
Well, show you more tomorrow!!
Love Ya,

Monday, January 2, 2012

CrazyGirl observes being CrazyGirl

I, CrazyGirl, have been busy lately. Between spending the holidays with my family, catching up with all my friends who are back home, and pretty much redoing my bedroom. There hasn't been time for much. I do spend just a little bit too much time on Pinterest too. It's one of my latest addictions. It's so cool. It gives me sooooo many ideas. It also helped me discover my love of canvas painting. It's so much fun!! I bought four canvases for painting on to decorate my room. It's gonna be AWESOME!!!! I now feel overcome by this need to just keep painting on canvases! And, have you seen the crayon art you can do with it? It's AWESOME! I'll show you everything I'm doing as soon as it's done. I can't wait!!
Til Next Time,
P.S. Those are my Christmas PJ's! ♥