Monday, December 2, 2013

CrazyGirl observes Stealing Joy

A while back, I had the joy and pleasure of working for a friend of mine's grandma, AKA Meemaw. I got to spend countless hours with her, listening to her tales of college and early married life and life after kids. I was blessed to witness the blessing she was to everyone she came into contact with, whether it was the cashier at the grocery store, or her dear friend that we ran into somewhere in town. She is full of sass and spunk and is wiser than she likes to think. One day, she said something to me, that I will never forget. 
It was a typical day, we had done some grocery shopping, and were headed to In-N-Out since that was her favorite place to eat. She offered to buy my lunch again, as she had every time. I turned it down, saying I could get it myself, but thank you. Only, this time, instead of simply shaking her head at me, she turned around, hands on her hips, and looked me in the eye. "Stop stealing my joy." I remember thinking "What?? What is that supposed to mean?" She just looked at me for a minute before continuing. "Look, if I didn't want to buy your lunch, I wouldn't offer. I want to do this for you. It brings me joy. So stop being prideful and stealing my joy. Let me treat you." 
Now, those were some pretty profound words there. It's been almost two years since that happened, and sometimes I still have to stop and let them sink in. But, as the Christmas season approaches, I've been reminded of that conversation more and more. You see, I like getting people Christmas gifts. It brings me joy to see them open a present that they've either really been wanting, or that totally reminded me of them, and was a dead on answer to what to get them. That makes me so extremely happy. Yet, lately, more and more people (including my family) have been telling me "Don't get me a Christmas gift." or "You didn't have to get me anything." or they think I'm expecting something back. NO. I am going to get you a Christmas gift, because you are someone special to me, and Christmas is a season of giving. I know I didn't have to get you a gift, but where is the fun is being forced to get someone a present? I LIKE doing this. Let me enjoy my favorite part of the Christmas season; GIVING. I'm not expecting anything in return. You are my friend or family member and I love you and want to show you that. Don't diminish that by assuming you need to buy me something in return. Accept my present, open it, give ME the joy of getting to give you a present. And, people, seriously, STOP STEALING MY JOY.
Til Next Time,
P.S. Merry Christmas♥♥♥

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