Saturday, December 7, 2013

CrazyGirl observes Answered Prayers

So, ask anyone who knows me, every year around Christmas, I start hoping for snow. Despite living in a region of California that it doesn't really snow. We got a little snow in January of my 3rd grade school year...but once you made a snowball, it took all the snow off the ground. I still remember, being 4 years old, in the living room at my old house, sending a silent prayer for a White Christmas. Every year since then, I have hoped and prayed for a White Christmas. Every time someone told me it wasn't gonna snow, I told them I was gonna believe it was anyway.
Needless to say when I got an emergency weather alert to my phone last week, saying it was supposed to snow this Friday, I was super excited. Everyone told me it wouldn't. Everyone said not to be disappointed when it didn't. Well, this morning, the pond outside my dorm room was frozen over, which made me happy! And little snowflakes were fluttering down, but melting before they could land. But, still, there was snow, and I was excited!
Then, tonight, while I was at my work Christmas party, it started snowing enough  to stick, which made me extremely happy! My excitement was very real, and overflowing.
Then, as we made the LONG drive back to campus (it normally takes 15 - 20 minutes, and it took us an hour and a half) I continuously spouted my excitement. It was coming down really hard, which made it hard to see, and Californians REALLY do not know how to drive in the snow. But, we survived the drive back and I rushed outside to play in the snow. My Christmas prayer since I was four years hold had finally come true. I was more than excited. I seriously felt like crying because I was SO happy.
I still don't know how to express my excitement over the snow. It's so gorgeous, and I can truly say it feels like being in a Winter Wonderland. I know it's not QUITE Christmas yet, but it's the Christmas season, and God saw it fit to answer the childlike prayer I've been saying for 16 years now. It was a long wait, and not necessarily a prayer of necessity, but the snow in Redding tonight is most definitely proof that God answers even the most ridiculous prayers uttered by a four year old. It was an earnest plea from the very bottom of my heart. I seriously am not sure how I am going to sleep tonight because the excitement is overflowing. ♥
Til Next Time,

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