Wednesday, May 1, 2013

CrazyGirl observes Finals Week (in a poem)

I love having a blog. So much. Not just because I'm one of those annoying people who can just keep talking for DAYS, but also because blogging give me this way to feel like people are listening to me, having a chance to see what some time inside my head is like. (Although, for some of you, that's scarier than for others.) And, while I do sometimes have very deep thoughts (thus deep posts), other times my thoughts are more goofy (thus my goofy, dork-side-is-showing posts) and today, my thoughts are on my upcoming finals. I am NOT looking forward to finals. Like, seriously, whose bright idea was it to not only make us suffer through a semester of class, homework, projects, reading assignments, and exams, but then decided on TOP of all that we should have an entire week, fully crammed with accumulative tests so that every college kid will spend the week trying to remember what on earth we talked about for the first week (okay, okay, the first HALF) of the class, shoving every tidbit of information possible into our brains, and needing a straight IV of coffee just so we can function?!? And, who agreed that THAT was the best way to see if we'd understood the class, much less deserved to pass it? They obviously never consulted me. But, since I like rhyming things from time to time, I thought maybe I would make up a poem about finals week. 
Finals Week:
A Poem by CrazyGirl♥

The college is crowded, we all need caffeine.
We're all here to take finals, what an ugly scene
So much to study for, the info won't keep.
Coffee's the answer, or Red Bull, or sleep. 
Sleep? What is that? We're in college after all, 
This spring is about classes, I'll sleep before fall. 
So many tests I have to study for this time, 
Geography, Philosophy. . . did I already pass Sign? 
Information is overloading into my brain, 
I need more coffee, I'm going insane
The terms are all blending, I'm making up words
Tectonic arguments, map-thinking. . . is that a bird?
Oh goodness! Distractions, distractions galore. 
Focus, kid, focus, You want a good score. 
Maybe a break, just a short one, would work. 
Three hours later, I awake with a jerk. 
Crap! I fell asleep, I missed studying time, 
I'll drink a Monster, a coffee, maybe try some Red Line. 
A shot of espresso, now THAT'S what I need,
Okay, now I'll hit the books, and read, read, read! 
I've studied, restudied, I'm ready for the test,
I've got this, I've studied, and I'll do my best!

The test is in front of me, but I know this stuff.
Wait. . .what's this? Was this whole class a bluff?
I studied, did homework, took notes, and read,
I drank enough caffeine that I should have been dead.
But, where did this come from? This gibberish here?
We never went over it, not once this year.
The whole test is like this?!? I don't understand,
I came to class, took notes, studied and planned. 
Yet somehow none of the information I've got,
is anywhere on this test, it's a sticky spot. 
I guess an educated guess will have to do. 
I won't be able to breath right, until finals are through! 
To all my fellow college students, I'm sure you can relate. And I hope you enjoyed my attempt at humor there. 
Til Next Time,


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