So, I know my blog posts have been on the serious side lately, and while I still love each and every post I've done, I figured maybe it was time for a lighter post. And what makes me happier than spending time with the AMAZING children in my life? Uh. . . absolutely NOTHING! So, I figured, that in the name of spreading smiles, I would make a blog post compiling some of the most hilarious and adorable things kids have said to me over the years!
While sitting at his table coloring, a five year old I babysit looks up at me with a serious expression on his face. The following conversation takes place.
Him: "Katie, how old are you?"
Me (having just turned 18): "I'm 18."
Him: "Oh. Ok. Do you have a boyfriend?"
Me: "No. . ."
Him: "Oh. . . maybe you should get on that."
Me (chuckling slightly): "Oh really??"
Him: "Yeah. I think you might be running out of time."
While doing puzzles one Saturday afternoon, a six year old girl looks up at me in panic.
Her: *gasp* "You didn't go off and get married on us, did you???????????"
Me: "No. I didn't."
Her: "Oh. Whew! 'Cuz if you got married, then you would have kids of your own and wouldn't want to play with us."
(I love the fact that in her mind, being married meant I automatically had children. . . not just one child. . . multiple children of my own.)
At age 15, I was working with a group of kindergarten girls. In the middle of a round of Simon Says, where Simon was trying very hard to get me out the little girl says
Her: "Simon says . . . Katie needs to do a cartwheel."
Here's where I do a cartwheel.
I look up and she is staring at me, mouth wide open, completely in shock.
Me: "What?"
Her (emphatically): "I didn't know OLD people could do cartwheels!"
I love that at 15, I automatically became old.
One Sunday morning, I came into the two's and three's class to find all of the kids standing in various spots on carpet squares. One little boy quickly explained. "Miss Katie! Hurry! The world froze over and now it's melting and you have to get on an ice skate or you'll DIE!"
So . . . apparently now we all have the ability to ice skate on water? With only one skate.
I babysit for a family with twin girls and their younger brother. The girls came home from kindergarten with plenty of knock-knock jokes, including all the classics (Yeah. They're STILL telling jokes like Knock knock - who's there? - boo - boo who? - don't cry, it's only a joke). But, the girls' younger brother could NOT let them be ahead of him, so he began telling knock knock jokes
Him: "Knock knock."
Me: "Who's there?"
Him; "ahskdkfkdifl"
Me: "Umm, akdolekfifis who?"
Him " akdofdkdjk akdnofdjiofdj ksdifodol BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
And he was legitimately laughing, that deep belly chuckle that kids get when they find something genuinely funny. This went on for a good portion of the next hour and a half. On the plus side, you couldn't help but laugh along.
Another time, with this same family I was staying with just the younger brother, and in the midst of playing in the backyard, the neighbor turned on the lawn mower, and this kid was beyond excited.
Him: *gasp* "Do you hear that??"
Me: "Yeah. . . ?"
Him: "It's their helicopter."
Me: "Bud, I think it's their lawn mower. . ."
Him: "No! It's their helicopter! They just want you to think it's the lawn mower."
Me: "Do you want to check?"
Him: "Yes! I do."
*lift him up to see over the fence*
Me: "Do you see the helicopter?"
Him (extremely dejectedly): "No. They've hidden it."
Haha. Although, knowing my luck, he was right.
One day I was sitting with two boys I babysit for on a regular basis, the older brother was 5 and the younger brother 3.
Older brother: "I know what I'm going to be for Halloween."
Me: "Oh really? What is that?"
Older brother: "A monster. . . or a ghost."
Younger brother: "I'm gonna be a ghost monster."
Older brother: "A ghost monster isn't real. And it isn't scary."
Younger brother: "It is too! It's a ghost and a monster combined."
Older brother: "Katie, do you know what a ghost monster looks like?"
Me: "No. I don't know."
Older brother: "It looks like my younger brother. So it's not scary at all."
The younger brother makes a scary face, then goes into deep thought. . . for a three year old.
Younger brother: "Know what I wanna do to a ghost monster?"
Me: "What do you want to do?"
Younger brother: "I want to poke it's eyes out. . . yeah. That's what I want to do."
Older brother: "Then poke your own eyes out."
Bahaha. The two of them never cease to crack me up!
With the same two brothers, a few months after the older one started kindergarten (and thus informed me that he, did indeed, have a girlfriend), we had a conversation concerning his girlfriend, only it didn't quite go the way I expected it.
Me: "How's your girlfriend, buddy?"
Him: "I don't have one anymore."
Me: "Aw, I'm sorry, kiddo."
Him: "It's ok. We just had different interests."
Me: "Oh, really? Different interests?"
Him: "Yeah. She didn't like Rocket Boy."
Just in case you were wondering, Rocket Boy is his favorite show.
I have so many more stories, but right now my brain doesn't want to think of them. So, I'll save them for another time when we need some laughter!
Til Next Time,
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