Wednesday, January 23, 2013

CrazyGirl observes a Heavy Heart

Tonight during my Childhood Development class, I was perusing the book, and came across something I found rather interesting. The first sentence beginning the book was talking about how from conception on, a child is growing, developing, and even learning. Their outside environment starts to play a HUGE factor the moment the child is conceived. And while some of you may be going "Whoop ti do. . .why should I care?" I was sitting there just thinking over and over "Really? The book REALLY says that?" Not because I don't want to believe it or hear it, because I actually agree whole-heartedly with that statement. But to me it's interesting that a society can agree with the statement that a human being begins living at the moment of conception, and yet they can turn around and say that abortion isn't murder.
I write this with a heavy heart, because just thinking about it makes me feel sick to my stomach. The thought that as a country we can just turn a blind eye to the fact that every day someone is murdering an innocent baby terrifies me. I know there are all sorts of arguments and controversies related to this subject. I know not everyone agrees with my opinion. But whether you agree with me or not is not the point. The point is that there is scientific evidence that proves that babies begin living the moment they are conceived. And, yet, every day, some young girl is being told that the baby inside of her is just a bundle of nerves, that it won't feel pain. Anytime the subject of abortion comes up and someone tries to make the point that the fetus doesn't feel anything, my mom always says the same thing. She talks about when she and my dad went to the doctor for an ultrasound (of me!) and were concerned because I wasn't moving, but the doctor poked me (to ensure that I was, indeed, still living) and at 14 weeks in the womb, I flinched. I was very obviously shocked and displeased that the doctor had interrupted my peaceful relaxation. You see, at a whole whopping 14 weeks old, I felt the doctor poking me. But I was just a "bundle of nerves" and I "wouldn't feel a thing"
I feel like I'm not really ending with a point here. But if you take anything from this post, anything at all, just remember that as soon as conception takes place, that baby is a living, feeling, growing organism.
Til Next Time,

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