Tuesday, March 20, 2012

CrazyGirl observes Awkward Moments

Ok. So I begin the challenge of summing up my entire day (so far) in awkward moments.
That awkward moment when . . .
. . . you flinch when you look in the mirror because you have raccoon eyes and you hair looks like you fought with an egg beater . . . and lost.
. . . you spend 10 minutes turning the house inside out, looking for your keys . . . then realize you have them in your hand.
. . . you walk around all morning feeling confident and pretty . . .  until someone points out that you have lipstick on your teeth.
. . . you mutter something to yourself while unlocking the car door . . . and realize a cute guy is in the car next to you watching you talk to yourself.
. . . you're walking to class and hear high heels clicking, turn around to see which girl is wearing them . . . only it's not a girl.
. . . you see someone wearing their jeans so tight they have to waddle to walk.
. . . you knock someone's book off their desk by accident . . . with your butt.
. . . you pop a spoonful of Nutella in your mouth . . . right as someone starts talking to you.
. . . you read a comment on something you posted on Facebook, and don't understand it . . . but you know they are waiting for a response.
. . . you realize you are spending a bunch of time coming up with awkward moments . . . that will probably get 0 reads.
. . . you realize you just spend a good half hour figuring out the best way to put these . . . and you only have like 10.
Until Next time,

Monday, March 19, 2012

CrazyGirl observes finishing what she started!

Oh boy! Last of the random facts thing.

76. Sometimes I get so completely lost in a song, that I have to listen to it over and over and over almost to the point where it starts to sound funny.
77. Speaking of songs, sometimes, when it's a guy singing a cute love song, I lay there pretending he's singing to me. I know he isn't, but since I have a lack of a real boyfriend, sometimes it's nice to pretend.
78. One of the reasons I so miss being a little kid is that when there was drama, all you had to do was close your eyes for a second, open them, and *sha-zam!* suddenly you were in a whole new world. One where all the drama ceased to exist.
79. Even though sometimes it seems crazy, I still believe in fairytales. Not that some fairy god mother is gonna show up wearing a robe and holding a wand and say "Bibbity bobbity boo!" And, everything will work out from there, but I hold onto the hope that somewhere out there is a guy who is not only willing to be romantic, but also willing to love me for me.
80. I don't want a guy who loves my potential, or what I could be. I want a guy who loves who I am just the way I am, with all my quirks and flaws and insecurities. ♥
81. Sometimes I wonder if that^ guy actually exists.
82. I'm not 100% sure why, but when I'm feeling down, one of the best pick me up songs ever is "Tonight Tonight" by Hot Chelle Rae. "La la la. Whatever! La la la. It doesn't matter! La la la. Oh well!" ♥
83. I try to act confident and sure of myself, but honestly, I'm pretty insecure.
84. I spend a lot of time thinking about the future, wondering where I will end up. And, all I can say is I NEVER expected to be here.
85. Somewhere I have a list of 101 things that I want in a guy. I need to find that.
86. While Facebook and text are nice, I'm one of those people who prefers face to face contact. Call me a weirdo, but I like knowing what people's REAL reactions are.
87. I need to go to rehab for Target. I seriously have to keep myself away from that store after I get a paycheck, because it gives me the urge to buy everything I can afford. But, when I do have spending cash, you can guess where I head first.
88. I can type 86 words a minute.
89. I like to try new things, but I don't often think through them first. Like the time I dyed my blond hair jet black with dye that claimed it came out "after 28 shampoos!" It's still brownish. Or when I hiked halfway up Mt. Lassen in a pair of Converse that was falling apart . . . and there was still snow on the trail.
90. I say that I'm "unique" but it's really just a nicer way to admit that I'm a total weirdo.
91. Sometimes, I pretend that my future prince Charming is reading this, even though it's more likely that it's my mom, and some friends that are probably my only readers.
92. I love wearing those outfits that seem to make you ooze confidence. Don't lie, you know what I'm talking about.
93. Part of me REALLY wants to do a blog post where I sum up my entire day in "That awkward moment" statements. In fact, challenge accepted! My next blog post will be my day in awkward moments.
94. I just did something I've been wanting to do for a while. I quoted Barney Stinson and didn't sound like too much of a moron.
95. I love the Hunger Games books! ♥
96. I love when something totally unexpected happens, and then you can't stop smiling about it!!
97. I love on cold nights when you wrap up in your blanket and get all snuggled up to go to sleep.
98. Even though I look totally moronic, I still love to text those people who always leave you smiling like an idiot at your phone.
99. I would much rather be heartbroken than be a heartbreaker.
100. I honestly can't believe I actually made it! Somewhere I probably repeated something . . . but I tried not to!
Until next time,

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ok, continuing my random facts thing...
51. I constantly think back on a situation and change the ending (in my head) to me being totally awesome and saying some sweet comeback that leaves the other person speechless
52. About 50% of the time, I don't get jokes, but I laugh anyway.
53. I sometimes pretend that my life has a soundtrack. (Even though no one else hears it.)
54. One of my favorite sounds is the sound of someone typing fast on a keyboard.
55. When I need something sweet to eat, a spoonful of Nutella always seems to do the trick.
56. I think keys are fascinating. That's why I absolutely adore all the skeleton key necklaces that suddenly became popular within the past few years.
57. I absolutely love the TV show Bones, but because I don't have cable, I have to watch it on Netflix, and I'm freaking out because I'm almost out of episodes.
58. Another show I really like is How I Met Your Mother, and I really wish I could pull off saying things like "It's going to be legend..wait for it..dary!" or "When I feel sad, I quit being sad and be awesome instead." but I sound like a total idiot when I try to say it.
59. I try to hide it, but I constantly worry that I'm annoying people.
60. I hate matching my socks, unless they are plain white, so they never match.
61. I constantly catch myself making faces when I zone out.
62. Hospitals terrify me.
63. I love listening to people with accents talk. Irish and Australian are at the top of my list.
64. Recently, I have realized that I love frozen yogurt.
65. Fire is a fascinating thing. Campfires are my favorite.
66. I have only been to Disneyland once. I would LOVE to go again.
67. I broke the rules every day in elementary school. We had a rolly slide. The only rule for it was "Do not climb up the rolly slide backward." And, rebel child me, climbed up the rolly slide backward, every day. (Come on! You can't blame me! It was perfect because if one person stood on the platform and the other person stood on the rolly slide and held onto the plastic shade the person on the platform could grab their arms and we could reenact the whole scene from Lion King where Scar throws Mufasa off the cliff. )
68. My best friend from elementary school and I were extremely imaginative. Not only were we able to be characters from Harvest Moon, had the ability to fight off millions of imaginary foes, but we also had access into Teribithia. We had quite a few adventures.
69. I'm one of the few freaks in this world who, for some unknown reason, doesn't like Goldfish crackers.
70. I love Starbucks, especially the peppermint mochas, and the pumpkin spice lattes.
71. As fun as this is, I'm starting to run out of things to say.
72. I'm pretty sure that writer's block is one of the most annoying feelings in the world.
73. I love those moments when you put your mp3 player on shuffle and it just keeps playing the songs you didn't realize you needed to hear.
74. I love the band Hawk Nelson. Especially their first album, Letters to the President.
75. Most people like chapstick, but I prefer Lip Medex.
Until Next time,

Friday, March 9, 2012

CrazyGirl observes more about herself. .

So, last time I posted, I started telling you random facts about myself, and I realized that it was actually a nice feeling, just putting it out there. So, I was thinking about doing a few more!
Starting from where I left off:
26. When blow drying my hair, I like to pretend I'm one of those models who looks totally awesome with the wind blowing on them, or a rock star.
27. When I'm down in the dumps, two things tend to make me feel a little bit better almost every time; a Pepsi and dressing up (NO. . . not like getting out the dress-up bin, like putting on a cute outfit, making my make-up look perfect, and actually making the effort to do my hair.)
28. I am a Pepsi-aholic. I absolutely ADORE Pepsi♥
29. I love going for walks. I'm not sure what it is, but if you're walking with a friend, and just talking, it is one of the best feelings in the world.
30. I have this weird OCD-like problem where if I'm wearing a Converse tee-shirt, I have to be wearing my Converse. . .or else it just feels WRONG.
31. I love daydreaming. And I daydream elaborately. It's almost a skill.
32. I can't explain why, but there is something about doodling with a color crayon that pretty much nothing can beat.
33. During longish drives, I like to turn the radio up and belt out the songs, and for those few minutes, I can carry a tune, simply because no one is there to tell me otherwise.
34. I like wearing dresses in the summer, but mainly because most of them are really fun to twirl in, and I feel like a little kid again.
35. I have never been brave enough to jump off a swing. Maybe once. . .but I wasn't going fast, and I didn't get very high.
36. I'm always ready for adventure, looking for it even, but sometimes I think I have the most boring life ever.
37. A lot of the time I have the urge to put my hair up in little pigtails, but I refrain, because it looks ridiculous. . .but I do enjoy two french braids, which is close enough.
38. I have never actually watched a horror movie, because I get nightmares super easily. . .like when I was little and I watched the Disney version of Hercules, I had nightmares, but come on! Those ladies' eyeballs fell out, and I didn't want mine to.
39. I'm pretty sure I went through more of the awkward phases than any other person I know. At one point in time, I wore blue eyeshadow up to my eyebrows, and the worst part is, I thought it looked good.
40. I love driving around topless. (I drive a convertible, get your mind out of the gutter, sicko. Haha.)
41. I love that my friends will put up with my craziness. ♥
42. I have a really weird ability to end up with the most random injuries. I broke my pinky playing with a balloon (another kid's hand was involved. . .along with the balloon popping and my finger being smacked in such a way that it bent down and touched my wrist, but still, I WAS playing with a balloon.) I almost broke my wrist snowboarding, the only problem is that I was about three feet from the ski lift. I had my middle finger in a splint for graduation, because I tripped playing capture the flag. And, yes, when I shook the guy's hand, it looked like I was flipping the audience off.
43. I like wishing on stars and at 11:11 every time I get the chance, even though I've never had a wish come true.
44. Sometimes, I like to pretend that my life is a movie, and even though it kinda sucks at the moment, it has to end well, or else no one will want to come see it. DUH.
45. When I'm driving, I often talk to the other drivers.
46. I like singing along to stuff, and I will grab the nearest object and make it into a microphone to sing into, and if there is nothing, my thumb tends to work very well.
47. A while back the whole "That awkward moment when. . ." statuses became popular on Facebook, and, of course, I find them very fun and funny, but once I started thinking about it, I realized that my entire life could be summed up in "That awkward moment" statuses. "That awkward moment when you roll out of bed and immediately stub your toe. Every. Single. Day. . . That awkward moment when you search the whole house for your keys, only to realize they are in your hand. That awkward moment when you trip over the doorjamb that has been there since you moved in. That awkward moment when you yawn in class, right as the teacher asks you a question. Etc." My entire day can be an awkward moment.
48. I'm one of those weirdos who likes the way gas stations smell. Don't ask me why. I just do.
49. Sometimes I like to think about what peoples' reactions would be if I suddenly showed up and started acting completely different than I normally do, but I haven't tried it yet.
50. I have an absolute love of the rain. I think it's 100% romantic. But beyond the fact that my ideal first kiss would indeed be in the rain, I find it fascinating. I actually have discovered that I don't really mind the drowned rat look I get when I stand out in the pouring rain. I enjoy standing there when it pours, just as long as I don't have to go inside and try to avoid dripping water on every surface in sight.
Well, I've made it to 50. I think my goal will be 100 random little facts about me, because they're fun.
But, until next time,