Monday, December 8, 2014

CrazyGirl Procrastinates

Hello my lovely readers!
I realize it has been a while since I've written here, and I'm sorry for that. It's been slightly crazy this semester, trying to balance school, a social life, and back and forth trips for doctor's appointments concerning my shoulder.
I'm writing right now partially because I'm procrastinating on studying any more (considering I already took a final this morning) and my brain feels fried, and partially because I've noticed something. We all joke about how finals week is terrible and hard and no one seems to want to survive. But, as I look around me, I feel like that isn't entirely a joke. I am not someone to study until I'm so stressed I can't see straight because I know that makes me do worse on the tests, but I'm watching as people give up sleep and eating and functioning properly for finals. It's craziness. So, trying NOT to become one of the zombies who can't form a full thought, I figured it was time to take a break, write on my blog, and do something I did a few years ago. Write a poem. Yes, a poem about finals week. So, here goes nothing.
Finals Week 2014
Where's the coffee? The sugar? The cream?
This final is crazy, I think I might scream. 
The library is full of studying classmates,
Physics, Biology -- Do we need to know the states?!?
I lost my notes, my computer crashed,
I've eaten my entire chocolate stash. 
Put on makeup? That's a joke. 
I'm watching my education go up in smoke. 
It's just one week, you'd think we'd be okay. 
We're trying to study, but Facebook is in the way. 
What is sleep? That one's new. 
That's not something we get to do. 
An IV of coffee should do the job,
The girl over there has started to sob. 
The brink of insanity, it seems is near,
As each of us enters our finals with fear.
Someone in here in starting to snore,
(Was that girl in this class before?)
I know a career will be worth all this stress,
but right now the whole school is a mess. 
So much of our grade rests on this week,
which means stress levels have started to peak. 
If we survive, Christmas break will be here,
but right now, we're lacking Christmas cheer. 
Prayers are appreciated (or gifts with caffeine)
Maybe you could give us a time machine. 
So we could listen to that lecture one more time,
And make sure the info is stored in our mind. 
To my fellow students, as this week commences,
I hope we all don't lose our senses. 

Til Next Time, 

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