Friday, June 13, 2014

CrazyGirl♥ observes a Letter

Dear Future Husband,
I can't wait for the day that I meet you. Who knows? Perhaps we have met. (That would be pretty wild.)
Anyway, before that day that we become serious about one another, there is some stuff I think you should know.
First of all, so many girls say "I want a relationship like Chuck and Blair" or "I want a Lily and Marshall relationship" or "I want to have what Donna and Eric have." And while at one point I have been guilty of such a statement, I now realize how wrong I was. I don't want what Chuck and Blair, Lily and Marshall, or Donna and Eric have, because I want what God has planned for us. I don't want to settle for a romance any less than ours.
Secondly, I know that temptations lie all around you, easily within  reach at all times. Just know that I'm praying for you to have the strength to say no to those temptations. But, should you give in to temptation, know that unless you hold onto that and let it affect the present, there is absolutely no reason for me to hold the past against you. I hope you can do the same for me, because I'm not going to pretend to be perfect. I'm only human.
That brings me to my third point. You see, I spent years unsure of myself, my weight, my looks, my personality, everything about myself really. But, as I grow up and mature, I'm learning that before I can truly love someone else and accept their love for me, I have to love myself. I'm not always going to have good days. You can rest assured of that. I cry; sometimes for no reason whatsoever. And when I cry, my mascara runs in a very obvious manner. Sometimes I get angry about stupid stuff. I'm not exactly a ray of sunshine when I first wake up. I occasionally talk in my sleep. And twitch. I try to pick up on others' emotions, but I'm not always good at it, so you might have to tell me what's on your mind, and I will try to do the same. I'm sure that there will be stressful times in our life together. Maybe our money situation will get bad at times, or there will be family stress. We will have to deal with up-all-night screaming baby sessions, the terrible twos, adolescence, our teenage daughter's first broken heart. But, rest assured, despite my haggard looks, and half asleep conversations with you, there is no one else I would rather face every obstacle in my life with (that's why I chose to marry you, silly. I could have said no if I wanted to).
My final point is this: I chose you. As I write this letter, I am a VERY single twenty year old, holding out for the right man. Believe me when I say that I'm not willing to settle for the first man to flatter me a little bit. So, if we're married, it means that I prayed about it and God and I came to the conclusion that YOU are the man for ME. I know you aren't perfect, you're only human, same as me. You will probably push my buttons. I'm sure we'll fight. Maybe you have a past. I understand that you have quirks and emotions and that you think WAY differently than me. But, despite any quirks you might have, I absolutely love you. With every fiber of my being. And I'm so glad we chose to spend the rest of our lives together.
Your Crazy Girl,

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