Friday, June 13, 2014

CrazyGirl rants

Okay, so I know I've been on my blog a LOT lately (my mind has been hard at work apparently). But, there is something that has started bothering me more and more lately. And it's about our self-worth as women and men.
I have a Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I see these young ladies, beautiful young ladies I might add, who are basing so much of their self-worth off of stupid social media fads. It doesn't make THEM stupid, they just don't know any different. They've grown up in an era where social media dictates friendships and is a place to receive gratification from people that they might not even know. They think that having the most handsome "MCM" (that's Man Crush Monday for those of you wondering) or being a "WCW" (Woman Crush Wednesday) to the most guys is what validates their self worth. They have no sense of their worth as a person in the real world or at least a very VERY jaded view of what that means. They can't fathom their beauty in the eyes of Christ, because they haven't been anyone's "WCW." Most of what is posted on social media jades their perception of what is "normal" or "cool" or "worthwhile." Social media takes the popularity contest out of high schools and brings it home with these kids. Home isn't the safe haven that they come to knowing they can escape the insanity high school can be. The craziness is ALWAYS in the palm of their hand. And they KNOW that that other girl is getting MORE likes than them on Instagram.
It's also jaded the view these kids have of romance. I hate to break it to you, but a "Good Morning" text is not the most romantic gesture a man can think of. What about REAL romance? Like going out stargazing (withOUT the cellphones present) or being handpicked some wildflowers? What about singing songs or writing poems? Handwritten love letters? Better yet, what happened to the gentlemen introducing themselves to the girls' parents? Now it's okay for him to send a text "Hey. I'm out front" and honking the horn. Ladies, I don't mean to diss your man, but don't settle for that. You deserve respect. Men, be better than that. Hold the door for her. Meet her parents. And both of you, PUT THE PHONE DOWN. If you want to get to know someone, you have to spend quality time talking to them, finding out their mannerisms, their inflections, all the little details we don't seem to notice because we're all glued to little devices that run our lives and dictate the way we view ourselves and our self worth.
Besides the little rant I just gave, if you take anything out of this, let it be this: You are wonderfully and beautifully made. You are loved by the Creator of this Universe, which is worth more than being a "MCM" or "WCW." Remember your worth and beauty in the Savior, and you won't have to base your worth off of social media (which isn't worth it). 
Til Next Time,

CrazyGirl♥ observes a Letter

Dear Future Husband,
I can't wait for the day that I meet you. Who knows? Perhaps we have met. (That would be pretty wild.)
Anyway, before that day that we become serious about one another, there is some stuff I think you should know.
First of all, so many girls say "I want a relationship like Chuck and Blair" or "I want a Lily and Marshall relationship" or "I want to have what Donna and Eric have." And while at one point I have been guilty of such a statement, I now realize how wrong I was. I don't want what Chuck and Blair, Lily and Marshall, or Donna and Eric have, because I want what God has planned for us. I don't want to settle for a romance any less than ours.
Secondly, I know that temptations lie all around you, easily within  reach at all times. Just know that I'm praying for you to have the strength to say no to those temptations. But, should you give in to temptation, know that unless you hold onto that and let it affect the present, there is absolutely no reason for me to hold the past against you. I hope you can do the same for me, because I'm not going to pretend to be perfect. I'm only human.
That brings me to my third point. You see, I spent years unsure of myself, my weight, my looks, my personality, everything about myself really. But, as I grow up and mature, I'm learning that before I can truly love someone else and accept their love for me, I have to love myself. I'm not always going to have good days. You can rest assured of that. I cry; sometimes for no reason whatsoever. And when I cry, my mascara runs in a very obvious manner. Sometimes I get angry about stupid stuff. I'm not exactly a ray of sunshine when I first wake up. I occasionally talk in my sleep. And twitch. I try to pick up on others' emotions, but I'm not always good at it, so you might have to tell me what's on your mind, and I will try to do the same. I'm sure that there will be stressful times in our life together. Maybe our money situation will get bad at times, or there will be family stress. We will have to deal with up-all-night screaming baby sessions, the terrible twos, adolescence, our teenage daughter's first broken heart. But, rest assured, despite my haggard looks, and half asleep conversations with you, there is no one else I would rather face every obstacle in my life with (that's why I chose to marry you, silly. I could have said no if I wanted to).
My final point is this: I chose you. As I write this letter, I am a VERY single twenty year old, holding out for the right man. Believe me when I say that I'm not willing to settle for the first man to flatter me a little bit. So, if we're married, it means that I prayed about it and God and I came to the conclusion that YOU are the man for ME. I know you aren't perfect, you're only human, same as me. You will probably push my buttons. I'm sure we'll fight. Maybe you have a past. I understand that you have quirks and emotions and that you think WAY differently than me. But, despite any quirks you might have, I absolutely love you. With every fiber of my being. And I'm so glad we chose to spend the rest of our lives together.
Your Crazy Girl,

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

CrazyGirl observes Her Thoughts on Dating

If you haven't noticed this about me yet, relationships (or the lack thereof) play a large part in my life. I don't try to make them, I don't wake up each morning and think "Yes, let's obsess over relationships today." But it seems that everywhere I turn, another relationship is there, or someone is talking about relationships, or somehow there is a reminder that relationships exist. At school, at work, at church, when I'm with my friends. Relationships and the pressure to date have become such necessities in our society. Now, I'm not one to say we shouldn't have relationships in our lives, or even to say we shouldn't have romantic relationships in our lives, but people seem to think that at 20 years old, since I haven't held hands with anyone, or ever been kissed, or had a real boyfriend (sorry junior high "special friends" I don't think that really counts. . .), or even really been on a real date (I've been on ONE blind date at an event for my college, it was fun, and he was great, but it wasn't romantic in any way), that means that you've pretty much destined yourself for a life as an old maid or a crazy cat lady (sorry to disappoint, but that won't ever happen, I'm more of a dog person myself). WHY IS THAT? I'm still young, I'm still trying to finish school. Yes, my dream career is to be a stay-at-home mom to my children, but maybe that's not God's plan. I would really like to hope it is, but I have to learn to trust that God knows what He's doing. Because He does and I don't. If I controlled every aspect of my life, and got everything I wanted, I'd be married to my kindergarten crush. . .since kindergarten. I don't think that would be such a great life (I mean, he's nice and all. . .but I don't see us working together today. Haha.)
I had a well meaning friend of mine tell me that maybe it's time to try online dating. I have nothing against it, and I know plenty of couples who have worked out very well by connecting through online dating. There's no Biblical evidence to suggest that it's wrong in any way, BUT I don't feel like it's the thing for me. I'm too much of an old-fashioned romantic. I'd love to bump into a handsome stranger, fall madly in love, get married, and start a family (okay, so I'm missing a few steps, but there's the shortened version). Or maybe meet a guy in class. Or SOMETHING. I'm a hopeless romantic, always have been, always will be. God created me that way for a reason.
Now, in today's world, we're taught very VERY conflicting things. As women, we're taught that men should not view us as an object, that we shouldn't allow men to view us in a sexual manner (unless we're trying to get sex). BUT, we're also taught that we should dress alluringly to "snag" a man. We're supposed to wear low cut tops, tops that show our belly, shorts with a waistline below our hips, shorts so short they should be called denim underwear, we should wear dresses that show every curve, and if God gave us cleavage, why shouldn't we show it off? (Men really shouldn't view women as objects, and if you walk around flaunting your goods all the time a-your husband will already know what you look like on your wedding night, and that's supposed to be a beautiful gift from a woman to her husband, and b-most guys will be mentally undressing you at every given opportunity, instead of seeing you for the wonderful woman you are) This is confusing for the men too, because we are giving them conflicting signals. We're dressing in a manner that suggests we want them to buy us a drink before they bed us for a one night stand, then we're getting angry with them for viewing us as sexual objects. (Sorry, but if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck. . .it's probably a duck.)
As a young woman, I understand the difficulty in dressing modestly. The shorts, skirts, and dresses are getting shorter, the tops are being cropped more and more, and the neck line is getting lower and lower. Shirts and dresses are no longer made to be loose fitting, but instead cling to every inch of skin and leave very very VERY little to the imagination. But, rest assured, there ARE options. I've always been an advocate of dressing modestly (despite the difficulty in finding modest clothing), and today, after reading a blog post about women and men and mating and dating that was only intensified. In case you don't feel like reading the blog post, she basically states that she was watching a television show about some tropical birds, and while the narrator talked about their mating ritual, he mentioned the modesty of the female and the pickiness of the female in choosing her mate. Ladies, we don't have to settle. No, the perfect man does not exist, but there is a man out there that is perfect for you. Also, we don't need to flaunt ourselves in front of men, just be yourself, the beautiful wonderful you that God created in His image, and the right guy will find himself falling for you, and you for him.
So please, don't settle for less that what God has for you. Wait for the right man. Believe me, I know that waiting can be hard (I've been waiting a LONG time), but I'm trusting that God will provide a man who is ready and willing to commit to me and my mood swings, and ugly morning hair, and the fact that I talk to dogs, and bake when I'm stressed or angry, and all of my weird quirks and unique features. And I will be ready and willing to commit to him and all of his quirks. That will be a very happy day.
Til Next Time,

Sunday, June 8, 2014

CrazyGirl♥ observes Opportunity

It's summer. If that doesn't excite you, I don't know what will. I may be a lover of the rain, but summer brings rest, relaxation, and tan lines. Okay. . . so maybe summer isn't as ideal as we pictured it as kids, but it's nice to not have homework to worry about for a couple months. Summer is an opportunity; we have some free time on our hands (or at least I do) considering that once we're clocked off at work, we're finished for the day, it's not like the classroom where we finish class and BOOM we're free! NOT. We finish class and we have piles of homework to do, not to mention that test we have to study for, and oh no! you almost forgot that it's your friend's twentieth I mean. . . twenty-first birthday and you promised them you'd go to dinner and that means you have to get all dressed up and that actually takes effort. So, without all of that, summer is an opportunity.
For me, it's an opportunity to save up some money and maybe do a little travelling. For others, like my wonderful older sister, it's an opportunity to start the rest of your life as a full-blown adult, college graduate, and proud renter of her very first apartment. Yet, for others, it's the opportunity to pursue something they never thought they'd do. Maybe some of you lucky ones are getting the opportunity for a summer romance, I know Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are all blowing up with news of recent engagements and marriages, and new couples seem to be cropping up all over the place. Perhaps you're getting the opportunity to learn a new skill (*cough cough* I still need to learn the drums *cough cough*). Maybe you're spending time with old friends, just catching up and hearing all about their adventures. Whatever it is you're doing this summer, look for the opportunity.
Sometimes, it's easy to overlook opportunity, to excuse it. "Oh I don't need to do that. I need my beauty sleep." But, while you have the opportunity seriously think and pray about taking that opportunity. This may be your only chance. Sometimes that opportunity may require a leap of faith and some heavy trust in Christ, but believe me, anything chance worth taking should scare you just a little. The leap of faith is just part of the journey. Not to seem tacky or cliche, but it's like the song by Lee Ann Womack says, "When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance." And, that's what I'm hoping for you this summer, when you get that opportunity to do something new, something a little scary; TAKE IT.
Til Next Time,
