Friday, November 25, 2011

CrazyGirl goes Nail Polish Crazy♥

Ok, like I mentioned before, my friend and I started getting creative with the nail polish. We pulled off the Ninja Turtles, and decided that they had chipped enough that it was time to try something new. We figured every other week was a good time to do a new nail design. This weeks? Cookie Monster♥. That's right! We painted Cookie Monster on our thumbs and did little chocolate chip cookies on the rest of our fingers, because, where would Cookie Monster be without his cookies?
This was our result:
Here are mine!

And here are all three of ours (we had an extra along this time!!)
It took us about 3 hours to do them. I know, I know. It sounds like a LOT of time to spend on nails, but come on!!! They have Cookie Monster on them!! It's soooooo worth 3 hours of my time. Tehe. Hopefully these last longer than the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. We are trying some new techniques that we are hoping will help them last!!
Until Next Time,

Thursday, November 24, 2011

CrazyGirl observes Thanksgiving!

Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations. ~ Psalm 100: 4-5
Do any of us really think of Thanksgiving that way? I feel like we have all turned Thanksgiving into a day of random celebrations. "It's Thanksgiving! I'm thankful to eat a bunch of turkey!" "Hooray! Black Friday is tomorrow! I can finally get those cute boots!!" "YES! Thanksgiving! That means it's time to decorate for Christmas!" But do any of us really take the time to sit back and think about all the blessings we really have? Do we ever reflect on what we are truly thankful for? And I know there are some of you sitting there thinking "Well, DUH! I'm thankful for turkey!" But, that's not the point. I'm wondering if anyone really reflects back on the year and just starts counting their blessings one-by-one.
This year?
1. A loving family who will always be there for me♥
2. Friends I know I can count on to help me out. ♥
3. The privilege of worshipping my God without fear of going to prison for it. ♥♥
4. A chance for a higher education.
5. The beautiful weather that the fall season brings.
6. The effort to just be me that I've made over the past year.
7. The enjoyment I get out of listening to music, even though I can't carry a tune to save my life.
8. All those privileges that I take for granted everyday (like a heater, a cell phone, my own car, etc.)
9. The new friends I've made this year that make me smile when I'm with them. : )
10. A wonderful job, caring for a wonderful lady who makes me smile! ♥
There are so many other things that I'm blessed with, but if I typed them all out, no one would bother to read this post because it would be too long. . .besides, I probably wouldn't be done typing it 'til this time NEXT year. . .maybe. . .it might be longer. Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and maybe you'll find time to sit back and reflect on your blessings.
'Til next time,

P.S. FINE! FIIINE!! I'll admit it. . .I'm totally looking forward to getting to listen to Christmas music again! Especially "Last Christmas" by WHAM! Tehe. ♪♫Last Christmas! I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away! This year, to save me from tears! I'll give it to someone special!!♪♫

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

CrazyGirl observes Ninja Turtles :)

So, anyone who knows me, knows that I have this weird thing with Ninja Turtles. I didn't watch the TV show, and the movie scared me (sorry, but as a little girl, how was I supposed to know that the giant talking rat-guy was actually one of the good guys?) yet, for some weird, odd, bizarre reason I have a thing for them. Don't ask me what "a thing" is...I probably couldn't tell you. It's almost like an obsession...without being obsessed. Haha. My junior year of high school, I cajoled (ok, ok, forced) my friend to wear Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirts to our Sadie Hawkins dance. I'm still in love with it!! :D
Wouldn't you be? :)
Then, I decided that wasn't enough of the Ninja Turtles for me. So, I bought these!!

Aren't they AMAZING? Well, I happen to think so. (By the way, they are SUPER comfy!) So, feeling satisfied with my collection of Ninja Turtles paraphernalia (at least, for the time being) I gladly gave into the urge to wear my AWESOME pajama pants 'til around two in the afternoon on most Saturdays. :)
Anyway, that is all just the background to my story for this evening. My new semi-obsession is doing crazy things with my nails. My friend and I have a TON of ideas on all the things we're gonna paint on our nails. (I'm SUPER excited, by the way!) And, we decided to kick off our nail craze with (shocker here) Ninja Turtle nails! We spent two hours doing my nails and her nails. They lasted less than a week (which was very sad, but we are gonna try again when we have some better techniques.) All of that work was well worth it. Here was our result:
That's mine.

That's both of ours!! :D
It was SO totally worth the effort! Don't worry, we'll show you what else we come up with!! Oh...and just remember, it's a sad day when you chip a nail:
Man down. :'(

Well, until the next time,